WHEREAS the Micronational community represented in the League of Secessionist States feel that expressing it's view is of great importance to the Macronational community. WHEREAS the Micronational community feels that terrorism and acts of aggression must be condemned at every possible instance to show that these actions are not conducive to the maintence of peace and harmony. WE HEREBY support the following statement of our Secretary-General expressing that the actions of the AL-QAEDA Organization, and Macronational nations that support them, against the UNITED STATES of AMERICA and other Macronational nations of the world, on SEPTEMBER 11, 2001, are morally reprehensible and are formally condemned by the micronations of the League of Secessionist States. STATEMENT OF CONDEMNATION OF AL-QAEDA On September 11th 2001, the world woke up to images of the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon, being rammed into by commercial jetliners, that were earlier hijacked by terrorists of the Al-Qaeda Organization. The loss of life in this attack has been so great that an accurate account may never be known and because of it, not only the United States of America, but many other nations of the world will not reach the level of comfort and safety that was felt before that fateful day. We, the micronationalists of the League of Secessionist States, formally condemn this terrorist action against the citizens of the United States and the 80 nationalities that were represented within the World Trade Center. This loss of life, in it's cowardly application by the Al-Qaeda terrorists, has caused the United States and it's allies throughout the world to declare a "war on terrorism" that may last for a very long time, and cause greater suffering the battle weary citizens of Afghanistan. These civilians within Afghanistan, many of whom have been subjected to the harsh rule of the Taliban seek only to an end of the suffering and misery and have not supported the terrorist actions of Al-Qaeda. To these people we send our heartfelt grief of their plight and request to the United States to keep them from being targeted in their pursuit of Al- Qaeda. The micronations of LOSS, in our desire to seek justice for those citizens of the world that were lost on that day, support the United States and it's allies in their just cause, to seek out these terrorists and the governments that support them. In the military actions by these Allied nations, we humbly request that they take into full account that civilian lives are important and that all means necessary, be taken to prevent them from being placed in harm's way. It is with this statement that the micronations of LOSS demonstrate our resolve to support right from wrong, in the hopes that both Macro- and Micronations may work closer to bring peace to the world that we all share. On behalf of the Micronations of LOSS /SIGNED/ HIH Diga Makonnen IV Secretary-General of LOSS